Monday, September 26, 2011


Last Saturday night I was given the opportunity to speak at Portside Student Ministries at Crosswind Church.  If I was honest, it was weird speaking to them.  The group of kids I ministered to has all graduated and are in my College group.  So it was a fresh crowd that I desperately needed to build a relationship with!  I know one thing, they love to worship and pray!  I spoke about becoming a counterculture...rather than a subculture.  The world does not need another group of people who just go with the flow and create their own version of whatever has been done.  The world needs to see Jesus in a way that goes against the flow and expressed in ways that knock current trends out of the park!  However, no matter how cool we are with our faith based shoe lines and non profits, the way we are the most "against the flow" is LIVING out these things on a daily basis:
Love of God
Love of neighbors within and outside of the covenant community
Seeking the welfare of all people
Defying hatred and greed
Feeding the hungry
Clothing the naked
Bearing each others’ burdens
Choosing self-sacrifice over the sword
Redistribution of resources for the purposes of social uplift
Wonderful marriages
Love of enemies
Sexual purity
Healthy conflict / resolution in the midst of quarrels
Learning more about the Scriptures as an open-minded community of disciples
Healings, signs, wonders and the unleashing of all forms of creativity
Justice for the marginalized

That is what an unbelieving world need right now.

Saturday, September 17, 2011


So in a couple months I will be celebrating my 5th wedding anniversary.  It has been an exciting time for me.  I am who I am today because of my wife.  She affirms my faith and is always there to spur me on in the times of difficulty.  When I took the position at Crosswind we were still dating, but she left with me to simply attend and even volunteer her time in the student ministries.  She did not have to do that but she loved me.  Time and time again she has proved that.
It seems in many ways a man reverts back to being a child when he gets married.  I suppose he clings to the boy inside of him more because the weight of responsibility gets so high everyday he is married, he wants to remember the day when he had no responsibility.  Life was easier then.  Someone else took care of you, when you did something stupid you got punished, but you still kept a sense of dignity.  Your days were filled with what you wanted to do and how you wanted to do them.  You had your identity and people loved you for who you were.  But you can only connect so far with them.  You could only go so far in relationship and still keep a sense of purity in your faith life.  You went to bed alone...left your own devices and thoughts.
Then she comes along.  She has been waiting for you.  Waiting for you to get it,   to hear what she has been hearing, to see what she has always seen.  She had the same issues, she wants the same things.  The same faith.  Then you take a step, to sacrifice your identity and be known also for hers.  To live for something greater for yourself and ....grow up.  I tell you, its worth it.  But after 5 years you connect on levels you never thought were possible.  I don't just mean is temporary, based on sensation and the moment.  If your tired, hurt, or not "feeling it", its not a good basis for a relationship.  But when you look into her eyes and see everything you want and want to be, there is nothing greater.
So are wiling to connect on deeper level?  You have a choice.   Are you wanting  to move into areas of Gods heart that can only be seen through marriage?  Are you willing to be married for reasons greater than sex?  Are you ready to take some responsibility and connect?

Saturday, September 10, 2011


For the past 5 years I have led a small group of young people ranging from the ages of 18 to 28 years old.  When I first started, I had about 15 people but when the school year started it dwindled down to 6, then it would rise up to 20 then back down to 4.  at one time, 1 person came...thanks Heather!  We met in peoples living rooms, yards, and even a gas station!  Then a core group of young people and a influential parent came into my path and now I am consistently running 25+ every week.  I have even taken some of these young to Kenya!!!
These young people only have 2 things in common, they are out of high school and they are trying in some form to seek God.  Their needs are all different....very hard to keep up with.  Their personalities are all different.  Their view of God is all different.  They all still come.  Some are under challenged, but still come.  Some are living in blatant sin, but still come.  Some feel like they can't relate based on maturity levels, but still come.  Some live for it, and still come.
Regardless of your generation, the ages of 18-29 are crazy years.  You can get married early thus forcing you completely into another life stage.  You can have a baby out of wedlock or off your plan and not know where you fit in.  You can be bogged down with a bachelors or masters degrees or a new career and never have any time for people except colleagues and study buddies.  So what is the common ground for the age group?  The need for God.  What is the point of a small group for the age group?  To encourage a desire to serve that God and live according to His plan.
So for the under-challenged?  What is God wanting you to take action on to help the least of these?  Your generation needs you!  To the one in blatant sin...  Listen to your pastors and stop!  Talk to someone! Forgive those who hurt you!  Life is happening! Grow up! Your generation needs you! To the ones who can't relate to your's probably because you are called to lead it!  Embrace your true calling and find healing for your insecurities, your generation needs you!  And to the ones who are just enjoying the ride, be on your guard!  You can easily become one of the above...your generation is going to call on you eventually.
In the meantime, I will continue to meet with this generation in whatever style, venue, or structure needed...but it will always be about our Risen Savior Jesus...the Redeemeer of this generation!

Friday, September 9, 2011


Another Friday.  Since I have been thinking about about blogging.  I have never been able to get a certain crazy thought out of my head.  So I figured I will blog about it.
I am certain for the past 28 years of my 30 years on Planet Earth, I have consumed something from McDonald's once a week.  Whether it be a delicious Quarter Pounder or a cone, or a Big Coke and snack wrap, something from the fast food giant has went into my belly!  Talk about faithfulness!  Devotion has nothing to do with it....its habit.  Some want to say craving, but I want to give the human body more credit than that.  I don't think it wakes up in the morning saying, "man if I don't have 2 all beef patties special sauce lettuce cheese pickles onions on a sesame seed bun right now...I am going to blow this house up!!!!"  Its all in our head.  Every habit we have is in the head. The brain is going to find the fastest way to get what it needs, and when you have easy access to anything, like a McDonalds that is in full eyes sight of your front lawn, that is the default.  The brain is amazing!  How many have been there?  You say you want to eat better, but you start thinking of all the time it takes to make a healthy home cooked meal and BOOM....instant defeat.  I don't have that kind of time!  30 minutes to make pasta?  wheres my app for J and P?  (That would be awesome!) Anyways we live in a day in age where the brain is going faster than it ever has, thus receiving more input than ever before.  To slow down would give 98 percent of the world a migraine.  Last week, a hurricane hit the east coast and left a lot of people without power.  It forced them to slow down and remove the world of instant input aside for a moment.  Its been raining all week.  Peoples social media has been on overdrive!
I don't really know if I have a point except maybe stating the obvious.  I maybe have questions, like, how much constant input and easy fixes can the brain take?  Is quantity overcoming quality? what is the brain not doing well to get the easy fixes and fast input?
I am writing this on my Sabbath.  My day where I do no work and try to honor a God who took His time to make me into everything He wanted.  To spend time with my kids that are so precious and cute and rotten!!  To spend time influencing a generation through a simple blog. Instead of complaining about the weather and how depressed it makes me, to listen to rain fall onto the roof of a house that God has blessed me with and know I am safe inside.  To do nothing and honor Christ through it.   Slow down and take an excedrin.  Some things are worth stopping for and listening to.

Friday, September 2, 2011


My first blog.  A chance to speak my mind and share some of the experiences I have had. To be who I am. An Influencer. An Artist.  A Pastor.   This may only happen on Fridays.  As my life is right now, there is a short window right after lunch that my wife is at work and the kids are taking a nap...and I have the day off!  When I turned 30, I had a friend tell me I should start blogging.  She said it would have a lot of value.  So here goes.  7months later....
I can remember when I was in college and I had this pet peeve of the question, "whats wrong?"  I always seem to be the source of that question in those days.  I look back on pictures and videos now and think," wow, now I know why? I always look upset or "somewhere else"'.  One day, a girl finally put the right word to my face. Pensive.  thinking passionately.  Thats me.  On a whim, I can escape to some place and be the vessel, the person, the life that I always wanted.  When I have that face, that is where I am.  Perhaps it is a defense mechanism I have established because of the bad things I have experienced growing up.  That is a good argument.  It could be I am just prideful.  I want to be valued and accepted.  In my head I am.  that could work too.  Maybe you are reading this and you are thinking,  I am doing that right now, because this is the most boring blog ever!"
I am a natural escape artist.
However the good experiences of my life, which are quite a few, have slowly been turning those escape tactics in to moments for great forward thinking and vision.  I would escape for hours and create artistic ideas and concepts that have benefitted a lot of situations and people.  My faith is one of those positive things.  It is the one thing that has validated my imagination and furthered my visioneering.  I have been found by a God who loves me and cares for my future and life. In those pensive moments, He has shown me His heart and His purposes for my life.  Sometimes I listen and sometimes I don't.  There are times I want escape on my own and have my way, my visions.  But like Peter Gabriel writes, "No matter which way I choose, I come back to the place you are."  I always end up back at the feet of Jesus Christ.
How do we get there?  For me its the face of my children, the love of my wife.  The support of a colleague.  The challenge of a friend.  Or it can be the supernatural invasion of my thoughts by the God of the Universe telling me ,there's more than what I can think or imagine planned for me if I will surrender.  Keep being pensive.  God can meet you there.