Thursday, December 5, 2013


So it has been over 2 years since I have blogged but I think there are few things I have learned over the past two years that maybe I can speak about that maybe can challenge some thinking.  I recently read a blog from an up and coming recording artist, Michael Gungor.  He talked a lot about the mundrum vibe of "Christian" music and it's lack of soul.  I have my own thoughts on that but I will leave that for another day.  In the middle of the blog he talked about drinking alcohol.  His only scripture reference is the one that everyone loves to use, John Chapter 2, the wedding where Jesus turns water into wine.  MY GLOVES ARE ON!!!

This has been used for generations to advocate alcohol consumption among Christ-Followers.  My argument is this...leave this one alone.  This scripture is a poor argument.  In fact the use of the bible as a whole is a poor argument for alcohol consumption and abstinance.

Jesus was at a party, a place of tradition.  People were going to a simple Hebrew wedding.  The wedding was going to have the same elements that every wedding has had for a millennia.  And from a economic standpoint, the parents were going to put the most expensive wine out first!  Every good lush will tell you, if it gets the job done, why break the bank? for Traditions sake however, there will be wine at a hebrew wedding.

The truth is yes it was not grape juice.  It was live cultured liquid derived from grapes made in wineskins to induce alcohol.  Alcohol, a substance we use to SANITIZE.  1st century Israel did not have the water purification systems we enjoy today, and they were not going to break tradition and be creative at their festivals.  The reason they drank wine was because it was a necessity!!!!  Water was used for animals and bathing and when you could get ahold of clean water, which was rare, for drinking!  All they had to drink was what would not kill of the list was wine!!!

So back to the wedding, simply purifying the water would not have been much of a miracle.  Through science we all have a Brita system now.  But turning water, possibly water used at the entrance way to clean peoples feet by servants, into high quality beverage, that was a sight!

This part here is me reaching, but everyone does realize that Jesus did not even want to do it!  I sometimes wonder why.  Probably because He saw all the war my generation is waging with older generations, separating churches so folks would not have "one less sin to worry about".

I am not advocating one way or the other with alcohol consumption, if you want to drink than drink. It is not a sin or else the bible would have said so. However if God has given you a platform, I say be above reproach and abstain.  This issue is still too volatile.  And the scriptures are clear on leadership responsibility.

I say this... stop using the scripture to justify this behavior.  It will not answer it.  Paul says to not be drunk...the alternative is not "moderation", the alternative is to keep on being filled with spirit.

When we try to use the scripture out of context and historical tradition to make a point we run the risk of defacing the image God is trying to establish in this generation.  We are on the verge of his return, things are going to be different.  Especially the stuff that lives in the "gray" areas of our morality and doctrines.

1 comment:

  1. True. We often look for loopholes in the Bible...loopholes to live the way we want to live, instead of out of love, obedience, and service. 1 Corinthians 10:23-24, 31-33: All things are lawful, but not all things are profitable. All things are lawful, but not all things edify. Let no one seek his own good, but that of his neighbor...Whether, then, you eat or drink or whatever you do, do all to the glory of God. Give no offense either to Jews or to Greeks or to the church of God; just as I also please all men in all things, not seeking my own profit but the profit of the many, so that they may be saved.
